
Off-Grid Oktoberfest 2019

The annual Sinetech Off-Grid Oktoberfest took place in the gardens of our Strijdom Park offices on Thursday 17 October.

Despite widespread loadshedding in Gauteng that very afternoon, the show did indeed go on at Sinetech: we demonstrated first-hand that it’s business as usual when you have the power of the right products during power outages.

The Off-Grid Oktoberfest combined live product demos, and education about solutions and possibilities with good food, great beer and a chance to network with established and trusted industry experts in the PV solar, energy storage and UPS space.

Guests received a commemmorative beer mug on registration, which they filled with a craft beer of choice to stay hydrated while they perused the product displays and engaged with technical staff.

Our in-house expo highlighted the features and benefits of Sinetech’s new product range and services, including:

The event also served as the launch of the OmniPower PowerHex, a stylish mobile backup power unit.

Chris Yelland was our keynote speaker for the evening. Chris is the managing director of ee Publishers and a well-known face on the SA energy landscape, and he gave a gripping overview of the operational status of our beleagured national power provider. Jeff Linz, the VP of Sales and Marketing for US-based SunTech Drive, who manufacture our PicoCell range, and David Havenga from Goodwe also gave short presentations on the unique benefits of their products.

After the speeches, we held a lucky draw: three guests each won a Ratel 412 Micro DC-to-DC UPS, one person scored a 5-Day SuperSolar School PV Solar Course from Maxx-Solar Academy (valued at over R12 000) and another won a year’s PV Sol Licence.

Once the formalities were over, it was time to tuck into the spitbraai dinner, recharge the beermugs, turn up the music, and soak up the Beerfest atmosphere.

The Off-Grid Oktoberfest promises to be even bigger in 2020, and will take place over several days; we hope we will see you there!